About God:
We believe in one God who is alive and lives among us. We believe he has expressed himself in the Holy Trinity, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
About Jesus:
We believe that Jesus was the Son of God, born of the virgin Mary. We believe that he suffered, was crucified as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, and was buried, but rose again on the third day a victor over death, and we believe that he will one day come to us again.
About humanity and grace:
We believe that all of us struggle with sin in our lives. We all mess up! BUT, we also believe that God loves each of us desperately and God wants to be in a relationship with you. This relationship is not based on God hovering over us waiting for us to make a mistake so we can be judged. We believe that God is full of grace and mercy and the punishment for our sins has been paid with Jesus on the cross. God's amazing grace is free for you and God is waiting expectantly for you to receive it.
About the Bible:
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and contains everything that is necessary to learn about salvation. The word is our authority for faith and life because it reveals who God is to us.
To learn more click on the link below to be taken to our United Methodist Website.
Doctrinal Standards and General Rules
From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church - 2004. Copyright 2004 by The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.
​At Poteau United Methodist Church our worship is a combination of the Ancient and the New. In a typical worship service you will hear an organ or piano accompany an old favorite hymn and a guitar lead an inspiring new song. You will see familiar church symbols, words for all music and scripture on our screens, and videos that help proclaim the incredible grace of God. We also have a choral choir and bell choir.
​Our pastor, Rev. Jim Perkin, preaches sermons that are Biblically based and relevant to our lives. His passion is to make theology (the study of God) practical and understandable. Using Holy Scripture illuminated by contemporary illustrations, videos, and personal stories, Pastor Jim challenges us to respond to God's grace in our lives by living as people who are forgiven.
​In the United Methodist Church we believe in and practice two sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion.
​Baptism is a very special way that God imparts grace to us. We baptize all persons regardless of age because it is the act of God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. If you want to learn more about United Methodism and baptism click here and read By Water and Spirit: A United Methodist Understanding of Baptism. Or just give our pastor a call or email.
Holy Communion is served in our worship service on the first Sunday of every month. In the United Methodist Church we practice an Open Table which simply means that Holy Communion is available to all persons regardless of whether or not you attend or are a member of our church. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior and repent of your sin you are invited to Christ's table with us.